Why Avani Vanam

The word ‘Avani– meaning ground, is a beautiful, warmhearted term that justifies the whole idea of our mission for the paradise we have created, and the word ‘Vanam‘ means forest, giving you an atmospheric change of serenity and natures bliss. The name Avani Vanam evokes a long-forgotten memory of the farmer’s wife Andhra Vani. Her signature was A.Vani, which we adopted to Avani as a tribute to her and thus named the farm Avani Vanam. 

The Farmland

At Avani Vanam, farmland experiences are at the heart of our mission, and we conduct immersive experiences to engage among flower varieties, a wide range of fresh juicy fruits, exotic animals in their natural habitat, and vegetables in their natural atmosphere, ensuring everything is produced organically and following all the organic methods of agriculture.

Avani Vanam is a saucer-shaped province and the region’s distinction is that it has never been plowed, which naturally makes the soil organic. Furthermore, because the land has a unique form, chemicals and hazardous pesticides from neighboring farms do not enter the soil and crops.


Life at Avani Vanam

Local & Organic Cuisine

Rural Agricultural Life

Nostalgic Games

Activities with Nature